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Join Well-LUG

Well-LUG is a community group for all LEGO® fans

Need help? Email

Full Member

Full Member*




Ages 18+


Ages 13-18


Club Meetings and Events
Annual and Community Shows
LUG Competitions

Plus much more



Priority Event Registration
Access to the Well-LUG community

An engraved 'Member' brick**

Associate Member

Associate Member


For "Out of Towner" Lego fans

Will be vetted by the Well-LUG committee


Club Meetings and Events
Annual and Community Shows

Plus much more



Event Registration
Access to the Well-LUG community



* Full benefits apply after you attend two club meetings
** Receive the brick when you become a full member (subject to availability)

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Conditions of membership


By submitting this registration, you agree to abide by the membership rules set forth by Well-LUG and that the expectations when representing Well-LUG will not act in a manner that would/could bring Well-LUG into disrepute.


New Members

New members will be classed as provisional and can attend all Well-LUG activities, but will not gain access to any of Well-LUG's additional services, opportunities and offerings until you attend at least two Well-LUG meeting/events and paid your annual fee in full.


Associate Member

You must have been vetted by the Well-LUG committee to participate in Well-LUG activities.

Annual Fee

As of January 1st 2017, there is a $50 annual fee for an AFOL (age 18+) and a $30 annual fee for a TFOL (ages 13-18) for joining and gaining access to Well-LUG's events and full membership. We reserve the right to change this policy dependent on the future of the LUG and its associated running costs. This would be well communicated and not compulsory should you wish to discontinue.

We will contact you on how to pay your membership fee once you have signed up.



Well-LUG will never share your personal information with anyone without seeking prior consent.

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